
Arsenic Treatment Monitoring Program

SEACOAST ANALYTICAL SERVICES is a NELAP Accredited Laboratory in NH #1733 and ME #NH00043.

2 1/2 Year Plan

4 sampling events

Single Tank – 1 sample at faucet – $225.00

Twin Tank – 1 sample between tanks, 1 at faucet – $315.00

5 Year Plan

9 sampling events

Single Tank – 1 sample at faucet – $600.00

Twin Tank – 1 sample between tanks, 1 at faucet – $840.00

Plan Includes

  • Sample monitoring every 6 months, to begin 12 months after treatment installation.
  • Email notification will be sent at the beginning of each testing month to remind homeowners that kits are on the way.
  • Kits will be mailed directly to homeowner with full sample instructions and return mailing included.
  • Reports will be emailed directly to homeowner and to company selling the plan, with homeowner permission.
  • Services may continue after treatment equipment is serviced but without the 12 month delay.
  • Extension of monitoring services can be purchased at the end of term.

Homeowner Advantages

  • Have our staff keep track of your investment so you do not have to.
  • All water treatment needs to be serviced, let someone else monitor for you.
  • Unless a homeowner monitors, they do not know when treatment will need to be serviced.
  • Save money on unnecessary routine service if not needed. Bonus 1 free sample!
  • Better for the environment to fully use the life of the media and not change out early.


New Hampshire’s natural geology includes arsenic in its bedrock, meaning it can easily seep into groundwater, which many residents rely on for their drinking water. This makes the state particularly susceptible to arsenic contamination.

How is arsenic harmful?
Arsenic is a toxic substance that poses significant health risks. Long-term exposure to even small amounts of arsenic in drinking water can lead to serious health issues, such as:

  • Cancer: Increased risk of skin, lung, bladder, and kidney cancers.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: Higher chances of developing heart disease.
  • Developmental Effects: Potential negative impacts on children’s growth and development.
  • Diabetes: Increased likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Neurological Effects: Problems with cognitive development and neurological function.

What can you do about it?
To safeguard your health and that of your loved ones, it’s important to take proactive measures:

  1. Test Your Water: Regularly test your drinking water for arsenic, especially if you use a private well. Order your test kit from Seacoast Analytical Service, a state certified laboratory to ensure accuracy.  You will want a standard test that includes arsenic.  Should it come back high, you can then analyze type of arsenic with an arsenic speciation test allowing the proper filtration system is installed.
  2. Install a Filtration System: If tests reveal high levels of arsenic, consider installing a water filtration system specifically designed to remove arsenic. These systems can effectively remove arsenic, making your water safe to drink.
  3. Stay Informed: Keep updated on local advisories and resources about water safety. Community programs and state resources often provide valuable information and support.  Learn More: DES.NH.GOV

By being aware of the risks and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your drinking water is safe and healthy for you and your family. Remember, clean water is not just a necessity; it’s a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.

[Note: Information above gathered from New Hampshire DES]